Swapping seeds

  • Swapping-seeds

    At Wildwood Metropark's Seed Swap, volunteers Bob Avery, from left, and Dale Theis chat with Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) and Michael Szuberla of Toledo GROWS.

    Jetta Fraser

  • At Wildwood Metropark's Seed Swap, volunteers Bob Avery, from left, and Dale Theis chat with Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) and Michael Szuberla of Toledo GROWS.
    At Wildwood Metropark's Seed Swap, volunteers Bob Avery, from left, and Dale Theis chat with Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) and Michael Szuberla of Toledo GROWS.

    Tina Yoppolo, left, swaps a ticket for a plant from Rosanne Roche. Seedlings and garden-related items were given away yesterday.
    Tina Yoppolo, left, swaps a ticket for a plant from Rosanne Roche. Seedlings and garden-related items were given away yesterday.