Suit over arrest at rally by neo-Nazis is refiled


A Michigan woman who claimed Toledo police officers used a Taser on her during an arrest at the Dec. 10, 2005, neo-Nazi rally in downtown Toledo has refiled a lawsuit against members of the police department.

Elizabeth O'Brien of Lansing filed the suit Thursday in Lucas County Common Pleas Court. She had initially filed suit in 2007 in U.S. District Court in Toledo, but the complaint was dismissed without prejudice in 2009.

The new complaint, filed by local attorney Terry Lodge, asks for in excess of $25,000 in damages.

The suit claims police “physically and roughly forced” Ms. O'Brien to the ground, “using one or more electroshock devices generally known as ‘Tasers' to subdue her.” It further said she “experienced burns to her legs and trunk; pain and suffering, and was exposed to public humiliation and embarrassment.”