TPS leaders make case for income tax


Looking for fresh money, Toledo's school leaders hired a pollster to gauge public reception to new taxes for schools.

It found that asking for more property taxes was “dead in the water,” but an income tax increase might work, Toledo Public Schools Superintendent John Foley said.

School leaders say many retirees living in paid-for homes, feel put upon by the traditional method of raising local school money.

“You hear a lot about voter fatigue, and we thought we would try something new,” he said.

He and other school leaders made their case Tuesday at a Blade editorial board meeting for a 0.75 percent tax on earned income that would raise $18 million annually.

The vote is set for May 4, but with early voting opening in two weeks, school leaders are feeling pressure to sell the levy.

The new money would help save teaching positions and popular school programs that could be cut to help close a projected $30 million hole in the budget next fiscal year.