Looking good in Maumee

Dan Prater, building engineer at Wayne Trail Elementary School in Maumee, lets students know all went well after photographing them in the shape of a soft-drink company's logo. Clad in red, white, and blue, the students formed a Pepsi logo on the school grounds yesterday, and Mr. Prater got their photo from the roof of the building. The photo, and those submitted by other schools, will be posted to a Web site, and viewers can vote for their favorite entry. Pepsi will award scholarship prize money to the winning schools.
Dan Prater, building engineer at Wayne Trail Elementary School in Maumee, lets students know all went well after photographing them in the shape of a soft-drink company's logo. Clad in red, white, and blue, the students formed a Pepsi logo on the school grounds yesterday, and Mr. Prater got their photo from the roof of the building. The photo, and those submitted by other schools, will be posted to a Web site, and viewers can vote for their favorite entry. Pepsi will award scholarship prize money to the winning schools.