Toledo City Council OKs golf courses operator


Toledo City Council Tuesday approved a contract with Master Golf Management to operate the city's three public golf courses this year.

Council voted 10-2 to hire the company operated by Greg Fish, who also owns the South Toledo Golf Club dome at 3915 Heatherdowns Blvd., to run the courses at Ottawa, Detwiler, and Collins parks.

Councilmen Adam Martinez and Lindsay Webb voted no.

Ms. Webb said because Mr. Fish owns a competing business, "he could let our golf courses go to pot and siphon off business for his own golf course."

Mr. Fish said he plans to improve programs and playing conditions at the three courses and to improve Detwiler's clubhouses, maintenance buildings, and driving range.

Master Golf is to pay the city $20,500 a month for the first two years.

Deputy Mayor of Operations Steve Herwat said he would not execute the agreement until Mr. Fish provides a letter of credit and a performance bond.

In November, the city advertised its request for firms to operate and manage golf courses. Responding were five: Eagle Golf, Glass City Golf, Toledo Golf Management, Master Golf Management Group, and TemNic Golf Course Management.

Master Golf was recommended by the Bell administration.

In March, 2008, the three city-owned golf courses went under the direction of Eagle Golf of Dallas.