Toledo man found guilty of murder in shooting death


A Toledo man charged in the shooting death of another man during a drug deal was found guilty of murder Friday by a Lucas County Common Pleas Court jury.

DeJuan Booker, 30, of 14 Southard Ave., was convicted of the May 1 death of Armond Parker, who was shot in the head. He faces 18 years to life behind bars when sentenced April 22 by Judge Gary Cook.

The jury of seven men and five women deliberated for about four hours before returning their verdict of guilty to murder with a gun specification. They found Booker not guilty of carrying a concealed weapon.

Several witnesses testified during the week-long trial. Assistant prosecutors presented a case that involved Booker being approached by three men looking to sell drugs and when one attempted to rob him, he responded with deadly force.

Booker testified Thursday in his own defense, claiming that he shot at the men because he was fearful for his life.