Toledo woman guilty in causing sister's death

Kimberly Craig faces up to 1 1/2 years in prison for killing her sister when sentenced by Judge James Jensen on April 30.
Kimberly Craig faces up to 1 1/2 years in prison for killing her sister when sentenced by Judge James Jensen on April 30.

Kimberly Craig and her sister, Yolanda, had been in fights before - it was something authorities said was not uncommon between the siblings.

So when the two began arguing on Oct. 21 - this time over cold hamburgers - it was nothing unusual. But this time, the punches that Kimberly Craig threw at her sister resulted in Yolanda Craig's death five days later.

Craig, 33, of 318 Belmont Ave., pleaded no contest yesterday to attempted involuntary manslaughter in Lucas County Common Pleas Court. The charge was reduced from involuntary manslaughter, a first-degree felony, as part of a negotiated plea.

She faces up to 1 1/2 years in prison when sentenced by Judge James Jensen on April 30.

"The [sisters] had been drinking and were intoxicated when an argument broke out," assistant Prosecutor Jeff Lingo said. He said Craig punched her sister twice - once in the jaw, once in the face. "It was not unusual for the two of them to argue and fight."

Mr. Lingo said that others in the Brand Whitlock apartment where the altercation occurred led Craig outside, and her sister called police. Although she did not want her sister arrested, Yolanda Craig wanted her removed from the house, Mr. Lingo said.

Kimberly Craig was arrested that day for disorderly conduct.

Over the next few days, the victim complained of having an increasingly bad headache and the swelling over her eye became worse, Mr. Lingo said. He said that on Oct. 24, she began having seizures and died in the hospital a few days later.

An autopsy revealed that Yolanda Craig, 36, died of complications of blunt force trauma to the head, which was exacerbated by various medical conditions.

The Lucas County Coroner's office ruled Yolanda Craig's death a homicide on Nov. 11.

At the request of the defense, Judge Jensen modified Craig's bond yesterday, removing her from electronic monitoring. The judge noted that part of the plea agreement was a recommendation to the court that Craig be sentenced to time in the Correctional Treatment Facility.

Contact Erica Blake at:

or 419-213-2134.