Toledo Zoo parties for the planet

  • Toledo-Zoo-parties-for-the-planet

    Slug: CTY earthday17p A The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth Date: 04/17/10 Caption: Left to right Atazhe Herron, 10, Nakita Thompson, 10, and Norla Long of Aluminum Cans for Burned Children of Northwest Ohio smash cans collected Saturday, 04/17/10, at the Toledo Zoo during Earth Day festivities.

    Jeremy Wadsworth / The Blade
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  • Slug: CTY earthday17p A The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth    Date: 04/17/10  Caption: Left to right Atazhe Herron, 10, Nakita Thompson, 10, and Norla Long of Aluminum Cans for Burned Children of Northwest Ohio smash cans collected Saturday, 04/17/10, at the Toledo Zoo during Earth Day festivities.
    Slug: CTY earthday17p A The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth Date: 04/17/10 Caption: Left to right Atazhe Herron, 10, Nakita Thompson, 10, and Norla Long of Aluminum Cans for Burned Children of Northwest Ohio smash cans collected Saturday, 04/17/10, at the Toledo Zoo during Earth Day festivities.

    Recyclable items dropped off at the Toledo Zoo's Party for the Planet! yesterday ranged from the most typical, such as aluminum cans, paper, and cell phones, to items that have far fewer local collections, such as athletic shoes, vacuum cleaners, and video tapes.

    Slug: CTY earthday17p B The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth    Date: 04/17/10  Caption: Joe Neeb of Toledo, Ohio, drops of an old computer to be recycled Saturday, 04/17/10, at the Toledo Zoo during Earth Day festivities.
    Slug: CTY earthday17p B The Blade/Jeremy Wadsworth Date: 04/17/10 Caption: Joe Neeb of Toledo, Ohio, drops of an old computer to be recycled Saturday, 04/17/10, at the Toledo Zoo during Earth Day festivities.

    Working with cans are, from left, Atazhe Herron, Nakita Thompson, and Norla Long. Carrying a computer is Joe Neeb.