Michigan man sentenced to 18 years for West Toledo shooting death


A 20-year-old LaSalle, Mich., man charged in the shooting death of a man in a West Toledo neighborhood entered a plea in Lucas County Common Pleas Court Monday and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Robert Pennington pleaded no contest to one count each of involuntary manslaughter and aggravated robbery. He was found guilty of killing Ysidro Mora, 21, of 310 South Eber Rd. in Spencer Township.

As part of a negotiated plea agreement, Pennington pleaded to the charges in exchange for the state dismissing charges of murder and grand theft of a motor vehicle. Also involved in the agreement was a set sentence of 18 years.

Mr. Mora was found fatally shot on Oct. 23 in a pickup truck that was wedged against a tree at Kingsmoor and Eastbrook drives in West Toledo. Authorities said Pennington shot Mr. Mora with a handgun after the two had arranged an exchange of drugs and money for a handgun.