United Way: Ottawa County still in need of volunteers, wheelbarrows


GENOA, Ohio — The United Way of Greater Toledo in Ottawa County wants to make sure people know volunteer opportunities for tornado recovery are still available through Monday at its center in Genoa.

"We could use 30 to 40 volunteers today," Carrie Pocock, chapter development officer, said Saturday.

"We've got calls in from 22 homes ... for debris cleanup, general pick up," she added.

Volunteers should report to the center on Reiman Road after parking in Genoa High School's student lot on the corner of Clay Center and Moline Martin roads. A shuttle bus will take volunteers to the center.

Volunteers are asked to wear sturdy footwear. Gloves will be provided.

"We could use some wheelbarrows," said David Kane, volunteer coordinator of the Erie County Citizens Emergency Response Team.

In Lake Township, authorities said the need for volunteers is largely filled and most of the cleanup work is done.

"We're still getting a nice light stream [of volunteers] coming in, about the amount that we need to get the work done," said Brad Gilbert, director of the Wood County Emergency Management Agency.