Wood Lane slates honors for five advocates for disabled


BOWLING GREEN - Five houses that are home to developmentally disabled adults in Wood County are to be renamed this week for people who helped make the houses possible.

Wood Lane Residential Services Inc. plans to name five group homes for supporters Ellen Williams, Doug McVey, Delbert Brown, Jane Quinn, and Larry Klein. A dedication ceremony open to the public is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at the agency's office, 541 Pearl St.

"Over the years we've tended to at one point or another designate people that have done a lot in many different ways," said Greg Bair, chief executive officer of Wood Lane Residential Services. "A few have been long-term employees who have made a significant difference. Others have been longtime board members. We've had a few who have donated homes."

Wood Lane Residential, a private, nonprofit agency based in Bowling Green, provides homes and services to about 165 developmentally disabled adults who live in 28 houses and a dozen apartments. Most are employed at Wood Lane Industries or through

Wood Lane's community employment program.

Mr. Bair said there will not be a sign outside the newly christened homes, which are in the Bowling Green and Weston areas, only plaques inside.

"We try to ideally fit in as best we can and not bring attention to our presence, so to speak," he said.

"We try to be good neighbors. We want to fit in just like any other home in our neighborhood," he said.

The houses are to be named for:

• Ellen Williams, who is a retiring professor of education in Bowling Green State University's School of Intervention Services and is on the board of Wood Lane Residential Services.

• Former Wood Lane Superintendent Doug McVey, who led Wood Lane from 1976 to 1998, during which time the first group homes were opened in Portage in 1979. He currently is superintendent of the Paulding County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

• Delbert Brown, who serves on the boards of Wood Lane Residential Properties Inc., Wood Lane Elder Haus I and II Inc., and Wood Lane Apartments Inc., and who oversaw Wood County's comprehensive survey of children with disabilities back in 1969.

• Jane Quinn, the longtime president of the Wood County Board of Developmental Disabilities, and current board member of Wood Lane Foundation Inc. and Wood Lane Apartments Inc.

• The late Larry Klein, a psychologist in Bowling Green who was himself disabled and who was a strong advocate for individuals with disabilities.

For more information, go to www.woodlaneresidential.org.

Contact Jennifer Feehan at:


or 419-724-6129.