Rossford votes to allow Perrysburg to leave TARTA


Rossford City Council, acting on Perrysburg's request for a divorce from TARTA, voted unanimously Monday night to allow Perrysburg to cut its ties to the regional transportation service, marking the first vote in what could be a lengthy process toward a separation.

Perrysburg needs agreement from all nine TARTA members before the bus service's board or trustees can act on its request.

Monday night's 7-0 vote followed three readings of the ordinance, said Ed Ciecka, Rossford's administrator.

Maumee and Sylvania city councils have weighed Perrysburg's request but have deferred action.

Other TARTA members include Toledo, Ottawa Hills, Sylvania Township, Spencer Township, and Waterville.

Perrysburg has sought to end its association with the bus service on the basis that it isn't getting enough in return for the $1.3 million that its property owners contribute to TARTA's budget.