Bias charge investigated at Dana's Lima plant


LIMA, Ohio — A regional chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference said it is investigating complaints that minority workers at Dana Holding Corp.'s plant in Lima are treated differently than their Caucasian counterparts by the auto parts manufacturer and the employees' union, the United Auto Workers.

Bishop Richard Cox of the group's Dayton chapter told the Lima News that the civil rights organization was investigating alleged intimidation and harassment of some employees.

The head of the UAW in Ohio said he was unaware of allegations against the union local in Lima. Dana spokesman Chuck Hartlage said in a statement that the charges “were previously registered with several third-party agencies and in federal court. Dana has cooperated fully with each of these parties. As reflected in its formal responses to these constituencies, Dana conducted a thorough review of the allegations now being resurrected by Mr. Cox and found that they are untrue and lack any supporting evidence.”