Ho-ho-home-cooked Holiday meal

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    CTY islamic22p The Blade/Lori King 12/22/2010 Free holiday dinners for the needy, donated by Islamic Food Bank and passed out at the Toledo Seagate Food Bank in Toledo, Ohio.

    The Blade/Lori King
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  • CTY islamic22p  The Blade/Lori King  12/22/2010  Seagate Food Bank staffer Delores Reyes hands out free holiday dinners at the Toledo Seagate Food Bank in Toledo, Ohio.
    CTY islamic22p The Blade/Lori King 12/22/2010 Seagate Food Bank staffer Delores Reyes hands out free holiday dinners at the Toledo Seagate Food Bank in Toledo, Ohio.

    Delores Reyes, a staff member at Seagate Food Bank, hands out holiday dinners at the Toledo Food Bank on High Street in Toledo.

    CTY islamic22p  The Blade/Lori King  12/22/2010  Free holiday dinners for the needy, donated by Islamic Food Bank and passed out at the Toledo Seagate Food Bank in Toledo, Ohio.
    CTY islamic22p The Blade/Lori King 12/22/2010 Free holiday dinners for the needy, donated by Islamic Food Bank and passed out at the Toledo Seagate Food Bank in Toledo, Ohio.

    The Islamic Center of Toledo donated 4,320 pounds of meat to the bank, part of a five-year undertaking for the center. The food is estimated to reach more than 3,000 individuals.