Lucas County Board of Elections gets new director, deputy director


A new director and deputy director of the Lucas County Board of Elections were named during a special meeting Monday afternoon.

The new director is Ben Roberts, a Republican, and the new deputy director is Dan DeAngelis, a Democrat, who is currently a supervisor in the Toledo Municipal Court. Under state law, the director and deputy director must be of opposite parties.

Mr. Roberts replaces Linda Howe and Mr. DeAngelis replaces Jeremy Demagall. Ms. Howe and Mr. Demagall were fired for their improper handling of the counting of provisional ballots in the November, 2010, election.

Mr. Roberts, of Maumee, has been a parliamentarian of the Republican Party under Jon Stainbrook, chairman of the Lucas County Republican Party and a recent addition to the board of elections. Mr. Roberts is a former business analyst for Dana Corp. and was most recently director of campus consolidation for Westside Montessori Center.

Ron Rothenbuhler, the Lucas County Democratic chairman and a member of the elections board, was named Monday afternoon as the new chairman of the board of elections.