Looking for problems in 'Plain Sight'

  • Carrie-Arndt

    Carrie Arndt, of 'AWAKE' discusses how cans and bottles can be used by teens to do drugs as Kathy Schnapp, left, of 'AWAKE' looks on.

    The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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  • Carrie Arndt, of 'AWAKE' discusses how cans and bottles can be used by teens to do drugs as Kathy Schnapp, left, of 'AWAKE' looks on.
    Carrie Arndt, of 'AWAKE' discusses how cans and bottles can be used by teens to do drugs as Kathy Schnapp, left, of 'AWAKE' looks on.

    Carrie Arndt of "AWAKE", an anti-abuse substance abuse program, discusses how kids use cans and bottles to use drugs during "Hidden in Plain Sight" program.


    Carrie Arndt uses the 'Teen Bedroom Display' to teach parents where to look for signs of teens at risk.
    Carrie Arndt uses the 'Teen Bedroom Display' to teach parents where to look for signs of teens at risk.

    A "Teen Bedroom Display" depicting clues of high risk behaviors was set up to help parents spot potential drug or alcohol problems in their children.