BCSN to honor hockey player killed in crash


Buckeye Cable Sports Network is honoring Cody Van Hersett, the Clay High School hockey player killed in a Jan. 12 car crash, by making him the only choice for the Weekend Warrior hockey award.

Each week, the public votes on two local players nominated for the award that is highlighted on the weekly television show Ice Check. This week, Cody’s name is listed under both choices, to gather as many votes as possible.

Cody, 16, a sophomore from Oregon, was killed when a tractor-trailer rig turned in front of his pickup on Navarre Avenue. He was the oldest of three sons of Michelle and John Van Hersett.

“ … Let’s blow out the voting by showing your support for Cody and the Van Hersett family,” said a post from the Clay Athletic Boosters on the district’s Web site.

As of Friday, Cody had received more than 2,000 votes. The deadline to vote is 9 a.m. Monday. The Oregon City Schools’ Web site, oregoncityschools.org., has a link to the BCSN site.

Buckeye CableSystem is a subsidiary of Block Communications Inc., which also owns The Blade.