Wood Co. residents can save on medications

New program offers discounts on drugs


BOWLING GREEN -- Wood County commissioners Thursday introduced a program intended to help county residents save money on prescription drugs.

Prescription Discount Cards, which in some cases could save up to 24 percent on the cost of prescription medication, are now available at the commissioners' office, Wood County Department of Job and Family Services, and Wood County Child Support Enforcement Agency. The cards also can be printed from the Internet at caremark.com/naco.

"There are still a lot of people out there in this economy trying to find ways to make the family budget go further," Commissioner Tim Brown. "We think every little bit helps, so we're hopeful our citizens will find it to be advantageous."

The cards, which are free to county residents, can be used by those who do not have prescription drug coverage or those who have prescriptions not covered by their insurance. The cards, which also may be used for some pet medications, may be used by any county residents regardless of age, income, or existing health coverage.

Mr. Brown said the cards come at virtually no cost to taxpayers. They are available through a partnership with the National Association of Counties, an organization that represents county governments throughout the country. Wood County paid $2,400 to join this year, Mr. Brown said.

Wood joins approximately 1,400 counties across the country that offer the discount program. According to the organization's Web site, Defiance, Fulton, Ottawa, Sandusky, and Williams counties also are participating in the program.