Gas-pipe repairs to shut 2 B.G. roads at crossing


BOWLING GREEN — Repairs to a natural-gas pipe will require closing Haskins Road and Wallace Avenue at their intersection on Monday, city officials announced.

The repairs are scheduled to start at 7:30 a.m. and be finished that day. Local detours will be posted.

The work is one of several short-duration projects the city has announced for the week.

North Prospect Street is to be closed between Poe Road and Frazee Avenue Tuesday and Wednesday for relocation of a water-meter pit.

Work hours will be 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.

Resurfacing will require intermittent lane closings and detours on East Gypsy Lane starting Tuesday.

Traffic will be maintained during the pavement grinding operations on Tuesday and Wednesday, but occasional closings are possible on Gypsy, Klotz Road, and Campbell Hill Road during paving on both Thursday and Friday.