Student of the Week: 5-21

Keyana Galloway
Keyana Galloway


Emmanuel Christian School


School subjects: Anatomy, British literature, Bible

Extracurricular activity: Praise Band

Hobbies: Reading, writing poetry, tutoring children

Musical artist: Donald Lawrence

Movies: The Blind Side and The Boy With the Striped Pajamas

TV show: NCIS


Cafeteria food must-have: Spicy sweet chili and Doritos

Last book read that wasn’t required: The Holy Bible, Don’t Waste Your Life

Pet peeve: Pen tapping

Person most admired: Mary Robinson, my grandmother

Person I’d like to meet: Author John Piper, Maya Angelou

Top accomplishment: Maintaining a 3.8 -4.0 GPA throughout my high school career.


After-graduation plans: I plan to major in psychology at Cedarville University.

Career goal: I would like to open a foundation that works to get adolescents off the streets and back in the classrooms.

Quote from teacher: “Kiki has the rare quality in a student of tenacity,” said Matthew LaPine, Bible teacher. “If she does not know what she feels that she should, she will do what is necessary to learn it. I have been impressed by Kiki’s work ethic and perseverance. Though we perhaps would not cover as much material, my job would be easier if I had a class full of Kikis. She has a bright future ahead of her.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.