Councilman: 3 city pools should not be razed yet


Toledo District 3 councilman Mike Craig is calling for a moratorium on city plans to demolish three pools in his district.

His request follows an announcement by the Bell administration last week of a plan to demolish four pools: Ashley Park, Ravine Park, Collins Park, and Highland Park. City officials said the pools, which have been closed for years, have been badly vandalized and are too expensive to repair.

Mr. Craig said he agrees Highland Park Pool may be beyond help, but the city must re-evaluate the wisdom of demolishing the other three. Refurbishing them may be more beneficial and less costly than tearing them down and building something else, he said.

RELATED ARTICLE: Toledo expects to demolish 4 shuttered pools

The councilman said the city also should wait for the outcome of a recreation master plan under way, and for voters to cast their ballots in November on a proposed 1-mill levy for park facilities and recreation programs.

"I don't believe that some of these pools should be demolished," he said. "I'm asking [that we] hold off until after we have a master plan and until we see what the will of the people is toward the recreation levy."

Councilman Lindsay Webb said she supports Mr. Craig's position. Surveys of Toledo residents show they overwhelmingly favor keeping pools, even if it's expensive, she said.

Mr. Craig will make a formal demand to the Bell administration at a press conference tomorrow morning at Ravine Park Pool, where he will be accompanied by neighborhood advocates and community members.