Registration set for new Monroe students


MONROE -- New students entering Monroe High School this year who have not attended Monroe Public Schools are to register from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 1 or 2 in the high school counseling center.

Appointments are not necessary.

Students must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian and bring an original birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residence in the district, and the most recent transcript from their former school.

Appointments for students to meet with counselors for scheduling will be made when they register.

More information is available from the registrar's office at 734-265-3433.

In other district news, the Monroe Board of Education approved technology upgrades totaling almost $350,000.

Included in the upgrades are 200 laptop computers, 60 projectors, 5 classroom sound systems, 21 specialty computers with wide screens, 30 document cameras, and more than two dozen pieces of specialty furniture.

Everything is to be available for use by the start of the school year on Sept. 5.

The laptops will be used in the elementary schools and the projectors will be for the middle school.

The specialty computers will be used in the high school by the yearbook department.

Most of the cost will be covered by technology millage funds.

The board also approved the purchase of audio and video equipment for the Custer and Arborwood elementary schools.

Federal funds and money from the Custer Parent Teacher Organization will pay for these amenities.

The board also has authorized $131,000 in purchases for technology maintenance and upgrades.

Some of the district's software and hardware requires yearly maintenance, including upgrades and updates.