Honor Flight schedules 26th trip to Washington


Honor Flight Northwest Ohio is to fly 79 World War II veterans to Washington on Aug. 29 to see World War II, Korean, and other war memorials.

The flight is to be the fourth of five this year and the 26th since the first flight in April, 2008. More than 1,000 area veterans have seen the memorials, thanks to the flights.

A send-off is scheduled between 7 and 9 a.m. before the flight at the Grand Aire hangar, 11777 W. Airport Service Rd., near Swanton. There will be a welcome home event between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at the same location. Current and valid picture identification is required to attend, although children under age 18 do not need identification if they are with a parent, guardian, or other adult.

World War II, Korean, and Vietnam veterans can apply for honor flights at honorflightnwo.org; applications for guardians and volunteers for the flights are also available at the Web site.

The final flight of the year on Sept. 26 will take Korean and World War II veterans to Washington. Because of the number of World War II veterans applying, Korean War veterans will be taken chronologically by application data.