Toledo gets $3.5M to widen Dorr between Secor, Byrne


Toledo City Council unanimously agreed on Tuesday to accept $3.5 million from the Ohio Department of Transportation to pay for improvements to Dorr Street.

The project will include widening the roadway, which is part of State Rt. 246, between Secor and Byrne roads and installing left- turn lanes.

The $3.5 million will cover 90 percent and the city will pay 10 percent from its Capital Improvement Program matches and planning budget.

Council also voted to authorize a three-year agreement with AT&T to host the finance department’s software system.

Mr. Collins, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said the contract would cost the city about $1.3 million over the three years.

The finance department implemented a SAP software system in May, 2010, to provide financial and procurement services to the city’s departments, according to city records. The city has the same system within its public utilities department.

“I voted no because the city represented to council when they sought the funding to upgrade the current SAP in the department of public utilities that they would merge it and go into one hosting situation, thereby saving the water bill ratepayers $500,000 a year,” Mr. Collins said. “Now they are saying they want to contract with AT&T for another three years.”