Toledo Bar Association rates Duhart over rival


Lucas County Common Pleas Court Judge Myron Duhart was chosen by members of the Toledo Bar Association as being more recommended for the seat than his opponent, according to an annual poll.

When asked to rate the candidates, 93 percent of the 259 members indicated Judge Duhart was either “highly recommended” or “recommended.”

His opponent, lawyer Kenneth Phillips, a Republican, was labeled “recommended” or “highly recommended” by 50 percent.

The association annually asks members to rate judicial candidates.

Unopposed on this year’s ballot are Common Pleas Court Judges Stacy Cook, Gary Cook, James Bates, and Linda Jennings as well as Domestic Relations Judge David Lewandowski, Juvenile Court Judge Connie Zemmelman, and Wood County Common Pleas Court Judge Reeve Kelsey, all incumbents. Also unopposed is James Jensen for the 6th District Court of Appeals. Although unopposed, each of the judges was also rated by members of the association.