Columbia Gas working to restore service to South Toledo residents


More than half of 1,100 Columbia Gas customers who lost service Tuesday afternoon because of a valve failure were restored by 4 p.m. today, and the utility hoped to have most people’s gas back on by midnight.

The only exceptions, spokesman Chris Kozak said, would be customers who aren’t home today and thus unable to provide access to Columbia employees who need to enter homes to gain access to gas meters or re-light the pilots on natural-gas appliances.

By 4 p.m., he said, gas had been restored to 600 affected customers in a neighborhood bound by Glanzman, Byrne, and Schneider roads and South Detroit Avenue. Those who are still without gas service are encouraged to identify themselves by turning on porch lights.

Notices are to be left at unoccupied homes with a phone number to call to arrange for a crew visit. All Columbia Gas employees carry photo identification.