Crafts­men sought for green­house res­tora­tion


SANDUSKY — The Ohio His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety is look­ing for crafts­men with ex­pe­ri­ence in re­stor­ing green­houses to help re­pair the his­toric green­house at­tached to the ga­rage at the Cooke House State Me­mo­rial.

Much of the green­house’s frame was de­stroyed Oct. 14 when winds swept through San­dusky, caus­ing a large tree to split in half and fall onto the green­house. The Cooke House was built be­tween 1843 and 1844 as the home of San­dusky’s first law­yer, Eleutherus Cooke.

In­ter­ested con­trac­tors should con­tact Karen Has­sel of the Ohio His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety at 614-297-2652 or khas­sel@ohio­his­