Gas ser­vice is re­stored to most in S. Toledo


Co­lum­bia Gas ex­pected to have ser­vice re­stored late Wed­nes­day to all but a hand­ful of the 1,136 South Toledo cus­tom­ers whose gas was cut off Tues­day af­ter­noon over a faulty valve.

Chris Kozak, a util­ity spokes­man, said the only ex­cep­tions would be res­i­dents who weren’t home to al­low Co­lum­bia em­ploy­ees in for ac­cess to gas me­ters and to re­light the pi­lots on nat­u­ral-gas ap­pli­ances.

The out­age oc­curred Tues­day in an area bounded by Sch­nei­der, Byrne, and Glanz­man roads, and South Detroit Avenue. Co­lum­bia Gas said a valve at a reg­u­la­tor sta­tion failed as gas de­mand in­creased there.

By 9 p.m. Wed­nes­day, ser­vice to about 1,000 of the af­fected cus­tom­ers had been re­stored, and Mr. Kozak said crews would be in the area late into the eve­ning to get to as many homes as pos­si­ble. Notices were left at un­oc­cu­pied homes.