Catholic Charities of Toledo assists Sandy relief with more than $100,000


Catholic Charities of Toledo will give more than $100,000 to Catholic Charities USA to help in the East Coast’s recovery from the Sandy superstorm.

Donations were given by churches, schools, and individuals in northwest Ohio. Catholic Charities USA will distribute the money to local Catholic Charities organizations in areas affected by Sandy, and the money will be used for repair, rebuilding, and other services that Catholic Charities provides.

Rodney Schuster, executive director of Catholic Charities Toledo, said, “We are blessed to have a local Catholic community that so enthusiastically and passionately reaches out to our brothers and sisters in a time of crisis.” The Toledo agency serves about 40,000 people in northwest Ohio, including non-Catholics, by providing food, shelter, and other assistance and ministries.

Donations for Sandy relief efforts are still being accepted.