Perrysburg council puts transportation levy on May 7 ballot


Perrysburg City Council has approved putting a levy to fund a public transportation system on the May 7 election ballot.

The recommendation from the city's Health, Sanitation and Public Utilities Committee to put a 0.8-mill, five year levy before the voters passed 7-0 at tonight's council meeting.

If passed, the levy would generate an estimated $460,000 a year to pay Ride Right of Lake St. Louis to run two vehicles for riders with disabilities, one call-a-ride van and a shuttle for a fixed route. It would cost the owner of a $200,000 home about $50 a year. 

It is the second effort to organize transportation in the city since voters last year approved the withdrawal from the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority. A 1.45-mill levy failed in November.

TARTA ceased service to Perrysburg in September.