Sylvania Township Trustees authorize establishment of K-9 for police department


Sylvania Township Trustees today authorized the establishment of a K-9 unit for the Sylvania Township Police Department for a start-up cost of about $20,000.

The board unanimously approved the program at its meeting today. They also unanimously approved engineering services for a new fuel depot, which will replace an existing structure at 4027 Holland-Sylvania Rd.

Sylvania Township Police Department Chief of Police Robert Boehme spent several months researching a K-9 unit for the department.

The initial cost, which includes the purchase of a dog, training sessions and accessories for police vehicles, is estimated to be $20,000 and will be paid for from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, which is made up of revenue seized during investigations.

“It's also monies that we have to spend,” he said.

Township Trustee Neal Mahoney wanted to make certain that all of the funding was available, before moving forward with the new program.

“We're not making a decision without funding on this,” he told the community audience, which consisted of only three citizens. When assured that all of the funding was available, the vote passed unanimously.

Also today, Vetter Design Group was awarded a $9,400 contract to provide engineering services for the bidding process and for construction of a fuel depot.

“Fire station number one is the last fire station with fuel tanks. When we build a new one, it won't have fuel tanks," said Township administrator John Zeitler.

Township Trustees are building a new fire station no. 1 at the site of the existing station, 6633 Monroe St., which is expected to be completed in early November. The new pumps will be utilized by the township, including the Sylvania Township Fire Department's trucks.

Vetter Design will work with the township to set up a construction timetable for the project.