Elections board awards one-time payment to employees

$1,000 is substitute for raises; last raise was 2% in 2008

Jon Stainbrook
Jon Stainbrook

Corrected version: Fixes the levy amount for Swanton Schools.

The Lucas County Board of Elections agreed on a 3-1 vote today to award one-time payments of $1,000 to its employees, using money authorized by the Lucas County commissioners.

Republican board member Jon Stainbrook cast the "no" vote. He said after the meeting that he supports the board's employees but believes the spending is "not fiscally prudent."

The bonuses will be paid to 18 regular employees and three additional employees who still need to complete the requirement of having one year of service.

The county commissioners voted in January to fund one-time payments as a substitute for raises for all of its employees and to fund other county agencies, provided they approve the payments. The last raise county election employees received was 2 percent in June, 2008.

Voting yes on the resolution were the board's two Democrats, Ron Rothenbuhler and John Irish, and Republican member Anthony DeGidio.

In other actions, the board accepted requests to put on the May 7 ballot two school district levies and a proposed rezoning in Waterville.

The Oregon Board of Education is seeking voter approval to renew a 2-mill, five-year permanent improvement levy. The Swanton school board is seeking approval of a 4.4 mills permanent improvements continuing levy.

The Waterville issue would rezone 8375 Waterville-Monclova Rd. from R-3 multi-family residential to R-1 single-family residential.