New, cleaner look launches for Blade Web site


Wow! The Blade’s Web site sure looks different.

The home page of the newspaper’s Web site today changes to a new design, one that looks more like a newspaper and which provides more breaking and prime news stories at a quick glance.

"Our goal was to give the audience more points of entry -- from breaking news and sports to expanded headlines on local stories and newsmakers," said Kurt Franck, executive editor and vice president of The Blade.

"The Blade is the No. 1 source for news and information in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan 24 hours a day online and in print. Please leave us your comments on our new home-page format."

The appearance of the home page is cleaner and easier to navigate than the previous one. The inside sections of News, Sports, A&E, Business, and Opinion maintain the same look they have had. And the top stories on those sections remain visible at a quick glance by hovering the mouse over the section’s name in the main navigation bar on the home page.

The site, still accessible at its long-standing URL, shows a list of primary stories in the left column, and a list of other top news headlines underneath it, from Blade reporters and from news services. Also in this column is a feature providing access to The Blade’s two microsites, and

Down a middle column on the home page are snippets of breaking news stories, which will change constantly throughout the day. Under those is a list of the latest Blade columnists and bloggers, with a newly visible description of the opinion postings, which are all clickable to the full posts.

In the right column is the day’s featured Obituary news story, the day’s top Editorial, and Blade photo galleries and videos, with a clickable button to purchase photos.

Across the bottom on the new home page are different ways to connect to The Blade, in print or to reach an electronic newspaper edition, or on mobile devices.

Tell us what you think by leaving reader comments on this story. We hope you find the site easier to read and further evidence that The Blade strives to bring our readers a more comprehensive local, state, and national news package than anyone else in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.