Disabilities panel seeks Lucas Co. applicants


Lucas County commissioners are seeking applicants from northwestern and eastern parts of the county for two-year terms on the county Commission on Disabilities.

The 21-member commission is a coalition of individuals with disabilities and other people representing the larger disabled community. It is charged “to create opportunities and to coordinate resources that will promote full participation of people with disabilities in the community,” according to a commissioners’ statement.

Commission membership is to be evenly distributed among all Lucas County jurisdictions, and at least eight members must be disabled or relatives of disabled people. The two-year vacancies expire Feb. 28, 2015.

Applications are available at One Government Center, Suite 800, in Toledo or by calling 419-213-4500. An online, printable version is available on the commissioners’ Web site, co.lucas.oh.us, under Quick Links. Applications and resumes must be filed by March 25.