United Way to spend $11.8M for 2013-14


United Way of Greater Toledo has announced it will invest about $11.8 million in Lucas, Ottawa and Wood county programs in the 2013-14 year.

About $9.3 million will go to help students reach graduation by supporting initiatives in education, income, and health, and about $2.5 million will be directed to support specific nonprofit organizations.

One aspect of the education investment includes supporting the out-of-school STARS program, which is run through the Wood County Educational Service Center and builds on extended learning opportunities and summer enrichment programs for elementary students. According to the United Way, the STARS program will serve more than 600 students in 2013.

United Way will continue to support its free tax-preparation program, which served more than 3,000 individuals and families this year.

Preventative dental health service and education programs at the Dental Center of Northwest Ohio, which recorded 31,000 dental appointments last year, will be supported again this year, the organization announced.

The investment plan was assembled by the recommendations of volunteers over the last several months.

Karen Mathison, chief executive officer and president of United Way of Greater Toledo, said in a news release that she was impressed with the work of the volunteers. “Any strong community is a reflection of the passion of its volunteers and donors and their willingness to work to benefit the community,” she said.