Newspaper readership in Toledo is one of the highest in the nation


Toledo is among the U.S. cities with the highest percentage of newspaper readers, according to a report in Advertising Age.

Among U.S. cities, Pittsburgh had the highest percentage — 51 percent — of adults who claim to read a newspaper daily. Following it were: Hartford and New Haven, Conn. (49 percent); Albany, N.Y. (49 percent); Cleveland (48 percent); and Toledo, Buffalo, New York City, and Honolulu (all 47 percent).

Scarborough, the market research company that compiled the figures, noted print readership has dropped 20 percent since 2001 across the country, and 35.7 percent of adults claim to read a newspaper daily.

The cities with fewest readers were in the South, including Atlanta (23 percent), Houston, and San Antonio (24 percent each).