Right to Life group celebrates abortion clinic's closing

Supporters praise state budget as most pro-life in Ohio's history

Ed Sitter, executive director of Greater Toledo Right to Life, speaks during a news conference outside the closed Center for Choice in Toledo.  Sitter praised Gov. John Kasich's signing of the new Ohio budget, which the group says is the most pro-life budget in Ohio's history.
Ed Sitter, executive director of Greater Toledo Right to Life, speaks during a news conference outside the closed Center for Choice in Toledo. Sitter praised Gov. John Kasich's signing of the new Ohio budget, which the group says is the most pro-life budget in Ohio's history.

Sixteen pro-life supporters gathered at a news conference at the former Center for Choice at noon today in central Toledo to celebrate the center's closing. 

The news conference, hosted by the Greater Toledo Right to Life, was also to celebrate what they described as Gov. John Kasich signing the most pro-life budget in Ohio's history into law Sunday. 

The center, which closed its doors June 7, could not find a local hospital that would enter into a transfer agreement with the clinic. State code requires a pact for the transfer of patients needing emergency treatment, with the new law prohibiting public hospitals from entering into transfer agreements.

There were no vocal protesters or pro-choice opposition at the event.

RELATED ARTICLE: Kasich signs budget keeping abortion restrictions intact