Oregon council renews pact with development agency


Oregon City Council has reauthorized its annual agreement with the Oregon on the Bay Regional Economic Development Foundation and will provide $70,000 for operations. The economic development agency is expected to collect $50,000 more from membership dues.

Council at its regular meeting last week approved 2.25 percent pay raises for police command officers and full-time firefighters. The raises come in the final year of a three-year agreement with a wage reopener that included no increases the first year and a 2.5 percent raise in year two.

Council also approved a contract with Kevin Fox of Graytown, Ohio, for the removal of treated sludge from the wastewater treatment plant at a cost of 4 cents per gallon. Mr. Fox has been the city’s contractor for this job for 20 years, with his work meeting or exceeding Ohio Environmental Protection Agency standards.

Council also approved paying Mosser Construction Inc. $52,000 for emergency pipeline work to ensure proper air supply to the treatment plant’s aeration tanks.