Olander picks interim director for park district

Olander Park System's conservation manager has been chosen

Erika Buri.
Erika Buri.

Corrected version: Erika Buri's date of hire at Olander Park System has been changed.

The Olander Park System's conservation manager has been chosen as its interim director following the resignation earlier this month of Gary Madrzykowski.

Erika Buri was selected because of her knowledge of Olander's parks and experience writing grant proposals, said John Zeitler, a member of the Olander Park Commission. The temporary position allows her to sign contracts and other legal documents.

The commissioners said Monday night they would seek a permanent director to succeed Mr. Madrzykowski, a 15-year veteran who resigned Aug. 2 after system officials determined he had misappropriated $2,500 in park funds.

The search could include referrals from employment agencies, but internal candidates will be encouraged to apply, Mr. Zeitler said. Commissioner Gail Abood said the search will continue until the right person is found.

Olander Park System owns and manages Olander, Sylvan Prairie, and Fossil parks.

Ms. Buri was hired in 2000 and has initiated several park projects, including the Catherine Frye PlayScape. Ms. Buri, maintenance manager Dave Woodcock, and office manager Jennifer Barry have assumed management responsibilities since Mr. Madrzykowski's departure and will receive temporary pay raises to acknowledge their increased workloads.

Ms. Buri and Mr. Woodcock, paid $44,000 annually, will receive a 10 percent increases, while Ms. Barry, paid $21,600 annually, will receive a 5 percent pay bump.