Contractor hired for Northview practice field


A Perrysburg contractor has been hired to begin construction this week of a practice football field at Northview High School in Sylvania.

The Sylvania Board of Education voted Monday to hire D&K Excavating for $137,000, or $63,000 lower than what was budgeted. Six bids were received, with the highest topping $216,000.

The work will be on property purchased recently next to Northview's rear parking lot and near the existing football field. It will be funded from proceeds of the sale last year of school-owned land on King Road.

The project is the first of many in a long-term plan for an $11 million overhaul of athletic fields at Northview and Southview high schools. The practice field will be 210 feet by 225 feet. Two houses on the recently purchased lot on Silica Drive are currently being torn down to make room for the field. The completion date is July, 2014.

The majority of funding for the athletic field upgrade project, which includes a new softball field at Northview and a football stadium at Southview, is being secured through the parent-run Athletic Foundation. Projects are expected to be completed as money is contributed.