Special Olympics plans fund-raiser in Monroe


MONROE — Organizers of Monroe County’s Special Olympics are looking for hardy souls willing to jump in an ice-cold pond to raise money for the program.

Stacie Ourlian, director of the program, said the annual Polar Plunge is Jan. 19 at a 5-foot pond behind Jack’s Lawn Service, 15550 Garden Stone Dr., Monroe.

Last year’s event drew 180 “plungers” who dressed in costumes and more than 200 spectators. It raised $22,000.

Registration is $75. Certified divers will be in the pond while one or two people jump at a time.

Monroe County’s Special Olympics offers 21 sports to more than 500 athletes. Competition begins at 8 years old and participants can stay in the free program for their entire lives.

Plungers can register online at www.firstgiving.com/​polarplunge/​monroe2014.

Registration and a parade of costumes begin at 1 p.m. and the plunge follows at 2 p.m.