Girl Scout cookie campaign kicks off regionwide


The best part of being a Girl Scout is, Riley Kanary says, “eating all the cookies.”

Soon enough, after the 9-year-old Brownie from Toledo is done selling her share of yummy treats, she will be able to chow down on as many cookies as she wants. Or at least as many as her mother, Tina Kanary, will let her without spoiling dinner.

Starting today, thousands of Girl Scouts around the region — and the country — will knock on doors and beg their parents to take their order forms to work as the annual cookie-selling campaign kicks off.

The direct-sales operation lasts until Feb. 7. Cookies arrive and deliveries begin Feb. 28, and booth sales run from March 7 through March 30.

Ms. Kanary, who is the leader of her daughter’s Brownie troop, has been orchestrating cookie sales for seven years — starting with her older daughter, who bowed out of the organization last year.

She doesn’t expect that the recent cold weather and snow-covered sidewalks will have much of an effect on cookie sales since much of the selling is done at parents’ work places or to specific neighbors and relatives.

In 2013, Girl Scouts in western Ohio — and there are more than 5,000 of them — sold 700,000 boxes of cookies. Of those, 84,000 were donated to Operation Cookie, which sends boxes to troops across the states and overseas, said Shonna King, spokesman for the regional Girl Scouts operation.

In the region, the most-purchased cookie is the Thin Mint, a staple of the sale.

Also up for grabs this year are Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, and Savannah Smiles.

Each box sells for $4.