Fernwood, Detroit Avenues closed for sinkhole repair

Construction workers continue to excavate a sink hole that opened up near the intersection of Fernwood Ave. near North Detroit Ave. in Toledo.
Construction workers continue to excavate a sink hole that opened up near the intersection of Fernwood Ave. near North Detroit Ave. in Toledo.

The intersection of Fernwood Avenue and North Detroit Avenue in central Toledo remained closed today for sinkhole repair.

Lisa Ward, a spokesman for the city, said the sinkhole was about 10 feet wide and extended from curb to curb on Fernwood.

Discovered Sunday night, the hole was too massive for the city to repair, so Taylor Excavating started the repairs this morning and should be done within a day or two, she said.

It was unknown exactly how long the job would take because it was unclear what kind of damage the crews would find and how deep they would need to dig to repair the sinkhole, she said. And for that reason, city authorities did not know the cost of repairs or what fund it would be coming from: water or storm sewer, the spokesman said.