Proposed zoning changes rejected at Perrysburg Township zoning commission meeting


More than 30 residents came to Perrysburg Township's zoning commission meeting Monday frustrated and concerned about a zoning change but left with smiles after a 4-0 vote recommended the change's denial to the trustees.

Danberry National applied to rezone five parcels of land in Perrysburg Township from agricultural to industrial. The 94 acres are a quarter mile north of Mandell Road, east of I-75, west of Glenwood Road, and south of the City of Rossford.

About 10 residents spoke during the public comment portion and listed concerns mostly around traffic, property values, and how dangerous the Lime City and Glenwood Roads already are.

The Perrysburg Township board of trustees will have the ultimate decision at a later meeting. It will be going to the trustees with an unanimous denial recommendation.

"There was no thought put in the application, they just put in all the land to industrial without consideration," said Rob Black, commission chairman. "The applicant wants the change, they have to make an effort."

Mr. Black said that some of the land in the request was thought to be best as residential zoned in a 2010 Perrysburg Township master plan. 

"They don't envision manufacturing, but after it is sold it could go to mining, trucking, sexual oriented," said Lime City Road resident Phil Kramer. "Traffic is already heavy on Lime City Road, it is a narrow road and adding trucks and traffic is a safety concern."

Also at Monday's meeting the commission certified Wood County Planning Commission's approval of the township's zoning initiative. 

The township is planning to go to voters in November with a map that would zone all the unzoned land in the township. The new zoning would be based primarily on current land uses in the area south of Five Point Road, east of Lime City Road, and south of State Rt. 795 east of Lime City. The map's latest draft shows about 80 to 90 percent of that territory being zoned for agricultural use.

About half the township is unzoned. Wood County Planning Commission approved the zoning proposal March 10.

The first commission public hearing for the zoning initiative only brought two residents out - neither of whom spoke. No one spoke of the matter Monday night.

The Perrysburg Township Trustees will hold its first public hearing on the issue at 6 p.m. May 7.

Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.