Perrysburg proposes upgrades to Louisiana Avenue

  • Louisiana-Avenue-improvements-roundabout

    Artist's rendering of proposed Louisiana Avenue improvements including a roundabout.

  • Artist's rendering of proposed Louisiana Avenue improvements including a roundabout.
    Artist's rendering of proposed Louisiana Avenue improvements including a roundabout.

    City of Perrysburg officials are proposing a $2.3 million beautification and renovation project along downtown Perrysburg‘‍s Louisiana Avenue that would feature a local landmark, the statue of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, in the center of a new roundabout at Front Street.

    The project would include installation of brick at intersections with Third and Second streets, and along the roundabout. Small fountains and a waterfall are planned beneath the Commodore Perry statue that is to be relocated from the entrance of Hood Park beside Front Street, to the middle of the proposed Front Street and Louisiana Avenue roundabout. 

    “We’‍re proud of our heritage and are taking an afterthought on the side of the road and putting it in the center of attention,” Mayor Mike Olmstead said today about the relocation of the statue. 

    An artist's rendering of proposed improvements to Louisiana Avenue.
    An artist's rendering of proposed improvements to Louisiana Avenue.

    Plans call for landscaping to be installed along the middle of Louisiana Avenue, replacing a median lane. That would allow pedestrians to just cross one lane at a time on Louisiana Avenue. 

    There will be an open house to talk about the new plan Aug. 7 at the Perrysburg Municipal Building. A time for the meeting has not been set. The economic development committee will take a vote on whether to recommend the plan on Aug. 20, and the proposal could have a first reading during a city council session Sept. 2 before a Sept. 20 vote on the new plan.

    Mayor Olmstead said he wants construction to begin next spring with completion by this time next year. 

    A second phase of the plan proposes renovation of Hood Park. Estimates and ideas are still being worked through, but it would try to create an elevated area near the river for tables and benches, possibly an area for performances, and overlooks of the Maumee River. City officials are hoping estimates and plans come together to include that in the request to the city council. 

    Last year under former Mayor Nelson Evans, a $26 million riverfront renovation was proposed. It included a theater, zipline course, restaurants, relocating the statue, and much more. Mayor Olmstead thinks this is a more realistic plan moneywise, while still gaining access to the riverfront for residents and visitors to the city.

    Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.