Commissioners approve infrastructure work in Sylvania Township, Ottawa Hills


Area officials are moving forward with sizable infrastructure projects in Ottawa Hills, Sylvania Township, and the area along Toledo Express Airport.

Lucas County commissioners during a meeting Tuesday approved a contract from the engineer’s office for relining miles of sanitary sewers in Ottawa Hills. Inland Waters Pollution Control of Detroit secured the work for about $994,500.

The office is seeking funds from the Ohio Public Works Commission for the project.

Jim Shaw, sanitary engineer, said final bid was well below the $1.2 million estimate. The work is for about 27,000 feet of various pipe sizes.

Village Manager Marc Thompson described it as a wonderful project. Ottawa Hills has one of the county’s oldest sewer systems, and rehabilitation is critical, he said.

“It helps our citizens, and it also has positive environmental impact,” Mr. Thompson said.

In addition, Expercon of Toledo was certified for a 0.6-mile-long asphalt trail addition from King to Silica roads. The cost is about $304,300, with funding primarily from Ohio Department of Natural Resources grants as well as Metroparks Toledo assistance.

“It’s a completely new trail, that extension,” county Engineer Keith Earley said.

This new trail, 12 to 14 feet in width, will also bring concrete curb ramps, minor drainage work, and mulching. It's expected to finish by July.

Separately, commissioners approved a joint cooperation agreement with the engineer's office and Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to support industrial park development on the airport's south side. There are presently several companies in the area.

The port authority obtained approval for $1.55 million in state grants for two roundabouts and a new road as an extension off South Airfield Road, allowing better truck access and safety. The Ohio Public Works Commission will provide a $350,000 grant and $350,000 loan, with the port authority reimbursing Lucas County for the latter. The port authority expects to cover local share costs.

The project could be bid for in spring and completed by the end of summer. Additional companies have already shown interest, said Joe Cappel, vice president of business development for the port authority.

“This is a good location, being right off the Ohio Turnpike, and of course adjacent to the airport,” Mr. Cappel said.

Contact Ryan Dunn at, 419-724-6095, or on Twitter @RDunnBlade.