Toledo man pleads guilty in shooting death


Kenneth Anderson admitted in Lucas County Common Pleas Court Tuesday that he intended to rob Charles Harris, Jr., as he worked out in his garage, but when the 71-year-old man fought back, he shot him.

Anderson, 29, of 915 Parkside Blvd., pleaded guilty Tuesday to aggravated murder with a one-year gun specification. At his sentencing Monday, an aggravated robbery charge and alternate murder charge will be dismissed.

Anderson made a statement to Judge Stacy Cook that he robbed Mr. Harris of $200. He then admitted shooting him twice.

Assistant County Prosecutor Tim Braun said after the hearing that Anderson’s co-defendant, Thomas Johnson, approached the victim, known as “Chuck A Luck” in an alley at about 7:30 p.m. April 13 where the elder man was dumping yard waste. He said that Mr. Harris offered Johnson $50 to not complain about the dumping.

After seeing that the older man had money, Johnson proceeded to “recruit” Anderson to rob him, even supplying him with a gun, Mr. Braun said.

“What we know is the victim fought back, he was 71 years old but he fought back,” Mr. Braun said, adding that Mr. Harris swung at Anderson with a large wrench. “He did not hit him but Anderson fell down and broke his wrist and then he shot.”

When sentenced, Anderson faces life in prison with the eligibility of parole after 20 years plus an additional one year for the gun specification.

Johnson, 21, 3265 Glenwood Ave., is scheduled for trial on Oct. 25.