Perrysburg Twp. approves grant application plan for funding to resurface roads


After about a 45-minute debate on which grant application plan to go with the Perrysburg Township Trustees voted today to try to get funding to resurface parts of Bates and Reitz roads.

Both roads are in bad shape and Kraig Gottfried, maintenance supervisor, said those are the top priority areas that need work. He said the 2013-14 winter killed conditions of some roads that could have had another few years in them otherwise.

Bates Road from the  I-75 bridge to East River Road and Reitz Road from Lime City to Tracy roads are the areas targeted for resurfacing. Feller Finch and Associates of Maumee had representatives presenting various applications. The option picked had the most coverage area, and also most expensive with a $769,550 total project estimate. 

The grant request will go to the Ohio Public Works Commission for review and a decision. The Ohio Public Works Commission would pay half the cost of the project, if approved, which is planned for construction to start in 2015.

Trustee Gary Britten considered another option that only resurfaced Bates Road because Feller Finch representatives and the trustees believe the grant would be accepted more likely. Since the township believes repairs to both roads are needed though, and still can receive the grant funding, the trustees voted 3-0 for the option with both Bates and Reitz roads.

Mr. Gottfried said Georgia, Bramblewood, and St. Andrews roads are other roads the township will need to repair next year too. 

Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.