To the editor: Senators a bunch of bad Santas

  • APTOPIX-Britain-Santa-School

    Blade reader compares members of Senate to bad Santas.


  • The bus from Santa Claus School stopped last week at the U.S. Senate and more than four dozen Santa impersonators entered the chamber and sat on the GOP side of the aisle.

    It was giveaway time, but, sadly, most Americans were not on the list. In fact, millions of us were on the lump-of-coal list because we aren’t rich enough to deserve the goodies.

    Few of the Santas even knew what was in their give-away bags. Nonetheless, at the end of the session they all shouted, “Ho, ho ho!” and got back on the bus and drove happily away.

    A cleanup crew had a difficult time wading through huge bags of coal left behind. These were labeled, “American suckers.”


    Westcastle Drive

    Rockets, families appreciated fans

    As a parent of a senior University of Toledo football player, I just want to thank all of the alumni, fans, and Toledo-area residents who came out in force to Ford Field to cheer on our Rockets at the MAC championship.

    Don’t ever doubt how much it means to those players (and their families) to see fans in the stands. They work hard all year to represent our city, and your presence makes the effort worth it. Thank you for your support. It helped make the difference in bringing the MAC championship back to Toledo.


    Acoma Drive

    Hicks-Hudson has checked out

    In the weeks prior to the mayoral election, hardly a week passed that we didn’t see a city service truck in our neighborhood.

    They city employees worked on sewers, drains, water lines, and they even tried to collect leaves that had not dropped yet.

    Now that the election is over, there is apparently no reason for Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson to use city services as a campaign tool. We can’t get our leaves removed, in spite of the fact that they are plugging up all those freshly cleaned sewers and drains.

    Ms. Hicks-Hudson is nothing more than a lame duck mayor. 


    Melvin Drive