To the editor: Use accurate terms

Activists march past the White House to protest the Trump administration's approach to illegal border crossings and separation of children from immigrant parents in June.
Activists march past the White House to protest the Trump administration's approach to illegal border crossings and separation of children from immigrant parents in June.

The Blade’s ombudsman responded to criticism of “illegal” in headlines being dehumanizing by requesting suggestions for a better word (July 8, “Blade map changed to better reflect where most local crime occurs”). I object to the frequently used “undocumented,” which implies all is well except some missing paperwork. In fact, the correct word is illegal.

People who have entered our country without permission have broken laws and are illegally in this country. Illegal is not dehumanizing but rather an accurate description of the situation.

We all sympathize with people trying to find a better way of life. But we can’t accept an unlimited influx of people who are unprepared or unwilling to accept our culture and laws. Some control must be in place, not only for the protection of current residents, but for the safety of the newcomers. Europe is having similar problems with an influx from Africa and the Middle East. Surely there must be solution other than either open or closed borders. Let’s quit posturing and try to find it.


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High-fructose threatens us

The danger to our health is right in front of us. The argument or debate is a lot like the argument and debate with regards to climate change. You either believe high-fructose corn syrup is bad for you or you don’t.

Since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup in the 1970s, obesity has skyrocketed not only in America but worldwide. High-fructose corn syrup was invented in 1965 to replace sugar and make food cheaper. Lobbyists worked on Congress and got our government to allow high-fructose corn syrup into our food chain. In the mid ‘70s, high-fructose corn syrup was added to almost all the food we eat.

Many studies have shown that sugar is addictive. Wars have been fought over sugar. Studies using mice have shown Oreo cookies are more addictive than cocaine or morphine.

Eating responsibly and exercising are the correct way to go. The food industry is not your friend. Every day wee have to make choices on what we will eat. Being healthy is hard, not being healthy is hard. With all the convenient cheap food available it’s no wonder that 75 percent of all Americans are considered overweight or obese. Many nations around the world have either banned or put limits on high-fructose corn syrup in their foods. Maybe we should take it out of our food chain and see what happens.

West Toledo